Ethernet Cable For Mac Pro

Ethernet Cable For Mac Pro 8,9/10 6596 votes

Stevem2 said A Mac can be connected directly to the Bridge but it’s not that simple and requires a crossover cable (you could use your ethernet cable and a crossover adaptor). Iworks mac torrent. Others have done it and know the details better than I do. An easier alternative is to plug the Mac and B2 into a switch and connect the switch to the home network so the B2 can get firmware updates, among other things. I just posted a request for help on Computer Audiophile regarding just that same problem.

I use my MacBook Pro throughout the house on Wifi. When I bring it in the office, I connect an Ethernet cable for 1000BASE-T awesomeness. Elsewhere on the network I have backups and a media server. Connect your NETGEAR cable modem router to the Thunderbolt-to-Gigabit Ethernet Adapter using an Ethernet cable. From the Apple menu, choose System.

I am trying to use a bridged ethernet connection from my Mac Mini to DS DAC with a direct connection and it’s not working. I can get the DS DAC to get an IP address and see the network, but Roon is blind to the DSD. I’ve used DHCP and static IPs. Nothing works. Is there such a thing as an audiophile crossover cable? I’m using some very high end USB cables along with the LANRover – the sound is quite good but, I have read that the connection via Ethernet should sound better. My current connection with 3 components is quite expensive – I’m guessing that buying an off the shelf crossover cable won’t have the same sound.

Paul stated on a different posting that the sound was better via Ethernet but, I don’t know what he was using for cabling I wish the connection via the bridge was easier. I had similar experience with you before. I purchased In-akustik 6-star USB cable and quite happy with it until I saw the release of LANRover. I figured if I purchased LANRover with another USB cable and a good linear power supply, total cost will be over Bridge II, then I made up my mind and got a used Bridge II, have a friend to tailor-made a crossover Ethernet cable (Oyaide cable and connector) at the cost around US$ 100, I would say I am happy with the sound quality and album info displayed on DS, all you need is spend some times to learn network setting. Aj4value said I have read that the connection via Ethernet should sound better.

It’s not that simple. My experience is that if you just plug a computer into the DS via a generic USB cable and compare that to the Bridge with a generic Ethernet cable, the Bridge wins. But you can get a lot better sound from USB with various tweaks. You’ve already invested in a Lanrover and some good USB cables. Kindle mac app not optimized for mac download. The sound is probably very close to what you’d get with the Bridge. So I wouldn’t worry too much about this. (Of course, obsessing over small sonic differences is a constitutional right guaranteed to audiophiles, so if you enjoy this sort of thing by all means experiment!).

I haven’t given up on a direct connection, but it’s not looking good. My LANRover USB connection sounds pretty great powered by UpTone LPS-1. It sounds at least as good as the Bridge II connection, given equivalent media (note: cannot play DSD 128 vinyl rips native on Bridge which bums me out!).


Still, I’m in the process of isolating my DS Sr with optical fiber and probably will power that also with the LPS-1 with output splitter. Plus, I’m upgrading to Cat7 ethernet cable, either AQ Cinnamon and/or Tera Grand. So maybe with these tweaks, the Bridge will better the LANRover USB chain. I’ll let you guys know how this shakes out.