Short Key Command For Os Mail Mac Email Folders To Create New Subfolders 2017

Short Key Command For Os Mail Mac Email Folders To Create New Subfolders 2017 5,7/10 507 votes

Mac-compatible keyboard (has a Command key, not Windows) Directions: First up, take a look at the Mac keyboard in front of you to familiarize yourself with a few Mac-specific keys.

I recently had the issue of folder and subfolders in Apple mail becoming unorganised meaning they were no longer in alphabetical order.this annoyed me (bit petty I know). If your are like myself and look to keep your inbox clear of clutter then you too will have quiet a few different folders, the option of manually checking and moving them all seems tedious and dull. I looked into this and found a relatively quick fix: Say your mail folder’s set up was just single letter but after a while you found it looked unordered – like the basic version below, just follow the few steps listed and all will be sorted for you! I have the same problem but getting my mailbox folders into alphabetical order doesn’t work when I follow the recommended procedure. I’m running Mountain Lion and the enable account tick box is not showing under ‘Advanced’. It shows under ‘Account Information’.

No matter what I do my mailbox list under ‘ON MY MAC’ remains in a random state. Also, when I quit Mail I am never asked to save changes and there doesn’t seem to be anywhere to save changes I make under ‘Preferences’. Can anyone offer advice? Hey PeteW, Unfortunately disabling then re-enabling will not help your issue as your folder(s) are set up ‘on my mac’ instead of part of a mailbox, this means that the folder(s) are not part of a Mailbox and are therefore stored locally to the machine. We do not recommend this as it means should there be an issue with the machine and it gets re-installed, you will lose that folder structure and a chance of losing your emails. I would suggest that as it is ‘on my mac’ that you manually drag/drop the folder(s) so they are alphabetical. There are other more complex ways to attempt to fix this but it would require a technically detailed understanding about mail settings.

Hope that this helps, Mark •. I tried your method to sort all my folders. Before doing this, under the heading “MAILBOXES” at the very top, I had a Trash Folder and a Junk folder, both with two sub-folders: iCloud, and On My Mac. Afterward, under the Heading “MAILBOXES”, at the very top, my Junk folder now has TWO iCloud folders, and one is disabled (the circle icon with a short lightening bolt inside it). Also, at the very bottom of pane with the list of mailboxes, under the heading “ICLOUD” there used to be two folders: “Archive” and Junk (iCloud), but now afterward the two sub-folders are “Archive” and “Junk (On My Mac)”.

What do I do now? I’d appreciate any help, as I don’t know if the Junk Mail function will work, since I can’t test it by sending myself an email.

Hi Guys I have a client who is running an iMac and using an IMAP email account in Mac Mail mail. OS is OSX El Capitan.

Currently the user has more than 24000 items and 500+ folders and subfolders inside their inbox and other folders. Is there a way when I choose archive, to select all folder and subfolders with one swift move and then choose archive anything older than 12months? Currently when I try to archive I have to manually select each subfolder I wish to archive and with 500+ folders and subfolders you can guess this will take me forever.

Kind Regards Aaron. Doing a Smart Mailbox will let you select multiple emails across mailboxes, but it will not preserve the folder structure that those emails were in.

Hopefully, you don't need the folder structure, but if the guy has 500 folders, I bet he wants them preserved as an organizational thing. (I know I would). The 'Archive' command moves mail to a preselected mailbox per account - but does not bring the folders.

They are still on the IMAP server, still in Apple Mail. Nothing special about that Archive folder, as far as I see. But maybe you really want 'Export' anyway. [] First: Click the triangles open to reveal all subfolders. [] You can click any mailbox, then shift-click another mailbox to select all the mailboxes between them. [] Then right-click & choose 'Export Mailbox.'

To save the messages in their folder structure on a local drive in mbox format. How to install mac os on new ssd for macbook pro. That will COPY (not move) all those messages, old & new, everything that is selected to the local computer. Check the exported files to MAKE SURE that the subfolders were included. [] Then you can use a smart folder to find all messages older than x & delete them from Mail. That is pretty close, the only difference is that the exported mbox will also include messages that are not older than x. Maybe that is ok.

Another great thing here is that you are not limited to just using Apple Mail. Any IMAP client will do, and maybe one of them will be perfectly suited to your needs.