Ise Reader For Mac

Ise Reader For Mac 5,5/10 7034 votes

I don't necessarily get wrapped up in these OS discussions; however, I wasn't satisfied with your smug answer. Part of the issue here is your choice of technology that increases your cost. Many of your competitors are choosing to build there tools on open platforms (Eclipse, NetBeans, Processing, etc.

Is it possible to install the Xilinx ISE on a Mac? I have not been able to find a version to Mac, so I expect is doesn't exist. But OSX is also build on UNIX like Linux, so maybe it would be possible to install the Linux-version on a Mac - if how is it done?

(IBM, Microchip, Atmel, AVR, Intel, Freescale, etc.)). Adobe flash player 8 mac free download. While that doesn't alleviate the need to test, the costs of testing and support are drastically reduced. I also find it interesting to note that you support Linux; however, the market share of OS X is nearly 35% more than that of Linux (). I would wager that number being conservative for the engineering community. While I don't want to turn this into a pro-mac thread, I DO want to point out that because Max OS X is based on BSD Unix, I have switched my domain over to Mac as we get greater productivity using the body of simulation and design work out there for UNIX. My company (in the Fortune 20) is not going to make a move to 64-bit windows anytime soon. Another interesting note—the only OS that did not grow in 2010 was Microsoft Windows!

Ise Reader For Mac

() My suggestion is that you poll your community rather than make assumptions like this. Also take a closer look at the industry momentum. Eventually even Mentor Graphics will come around to open platforms. If we can make money doing it so can they. $0.02, Jon w1jp.

Ironically, while we slipped off the top twenty IDMs (largely due to the divestiture of consumer electronics) in 2009, we are the foundry for >5 of the world's top 20. We also did > $2B in OEM semiconductor business (about the same as Xilinx's entire 2011 revenue). While we are not an FPGA IDM (we are processors, asics, etc.), and thus not a competitor, the majority of our tools are Eclipse based. I thus feel in a position to comment/judge here. As I said earlier, someone in Xilinx will ultimately conclude that their business is making us successful with their products so they sell more and get into new markets, not selling tools to a restricted and shrinking software market.

While I whole-heartedly believe in charging for IP, the tools' IDEs have nothing to do with it. It resides in the synthesis etc. Anyway, Xilinx stop wasting your time on proprietary tool installations and leverage Eclipse, Netbeans, or even Cloud9. Take those investment dollars and make us more productive getting your products to market.

$0.02, Jon These are my personal comments and not necessarily the opinions of my employer. W1jp wrote:, the tools' IDEs have nothing to do with it. It resides in the synthesis etc. Anyway, Xilinx stop wasting your time on proprietary tool installations and leverage Eclipse, Netbeans, or even Cloud9. I don't see how Eclipse could be used for FPGA tools.

I don't need an editor, I have emacs. Really, all we need is a reasonable mechanism to set the various compiler/build options and then using makefiles, the proper command-line tools can be called. And there's no reason why those tools can't be built for any platform. Just adding another 'I use OS X and I Xilinx too' I'm running Ubuntu 12.04 in a Virtual Box (surprised no-one else is using this, it's free), in 10.7.4 Lion, with a ZC702 Board, on a Macbook Pro. Had no problems with using the Digilent USB JTAG cable, or CP2103 usb/serial adapter within the VM. Note though, the Digilent device doesn't appear until the board is on. With Virtual Box (probably VMware and Parallels too) automatically 'send' the USB devices to the VM when they appear, useful if you're power cycling a lot, so the JTAG devices doesn't get 'stuck' in the Host OS.

I actually prefer to run in the VM, as I can snapshot the system before doing anything crazy, or when I reach milestones. Theoretically (haven't tried this) I can also run the same VM whether I'm booted to Window or OS X. It would make my day if only the basic command line tools would run on my Mac.

I'd be glad to get rid of the editors and project managers and use a less complicated and less obfuscated build flow. The only GUI apps I'd miss would be ISim and the FPGA viewer in PlanAhead, and I'd be willing to deal with those in a VM or even on a separate machine as they don't represent a bulk of where I spend my development time (although the simulator is pretty critical of course).

The EDK stuff, I would really love to ditch that whole environment. I've spent more time trying to finagle the whole SDK BSP/HWPlatform/Drivers & libs than I have actually coding HDL or software. I can port CodeSourcery to OS X no problem.

Give me the basic proprietary stuff as command line utilities and I'll build my own environment around them and be much more productive. I applaud the Xilinx decision to not port Xilkernel to the Zynq, and instead assist in making FreeRTOS available.