Pdf Screen Reading Software For Mac For Visually Impared

Pdf Screen Reading Software For Mac For Visually Impared 9,6/10 733 votes

—Mobile phones are used by people in large amount. But in the case the blind people are lagging in using mobile for educational purposes. They use scribes and readers to write and read books and documents. With the advent of interactive android operating system, and app lic ati ons like tra vel aid ing app s whi ch use s mot ion se ns or s an d vo ic e us er in te rf ac es (!'

# or th e vo ic e response systems, we are still a step behind in giving an application for educational purposes. This paper proposes a idea of having an application which when launched reads books or writes assignment for the blind people as directed which mitigates the use of scribes and readers in the busy world.


When a VoiceOver command is pressed, the screen reader announces the function of that key. The PDF version of this document is fully tagged and accessible. Lists and web resources for users of VoiceOver who are visually impaired. Times because dots 7 and 8 would randomly appear while using the software.

With the ad!ance*ents in technology& the ad!ent of *obile so ft 5a re s 5i th!o ic e us er in te rf ac es is hi gh. 3h er e ar e soft5 ares li'e,(4 M-& 4rca & Ap ple V o iceo!e r& Wi ndo5 s Reader& Dolphin& 'uperno!a and so on 5hich can be used as screen readers to the blind. Still 5hen it co*es to reading and 5riting files& they are a step lagging in co*pleting the tas' 5ithout a third person6s help. 3his paper uses the!oice user interface to interact 5ith the blind. 7andheld de!ices can help blind in high le!els 5hen they are pro*ptly used.

3he ad!ent of soft5ares li'e 3eflo. & it is easy to use *obi le pho nes 5her e na! Iga tio n for the!isually challenged is ta'en care of.

With this app installed& the blind choose bet5een t5o things& either to read or to 5rite. f they choose the read option& list of a!ailable 5ord and PDF files 5ill be listed. 3he reader syste* 5hich is for*ulated 5ill read the docu*ent that is opened. f they choose the 5rite operation& as and 5hen they dictate& the file 5ill be 5ritten 5hich can be i*ported as PDF or 5ord files upon co*pletion.

7ence& this app 5ill ser!e as both scribe and reader to the!isually challenged s*art phone user. Upgrade program for mac. '- 4F M48L- 'CR--( R-AD-R 89 8L(D: Around );;;!isually challenged people 5ere en$? Of the* 5ere blind by birth.

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3h ey in fo r* ed th at th ey us e sc re en *a gni fie rs @in the ca se of par tia lly i* pai re d and scr een readers @in the case of!isually challenged 5ho needs!oice outpu ts to percei! E infor* ation. t 5as foun d that B? Of blind co*puter users and ?

Of *obile users uses screen readers to 5or' on files and docu*ents. 3he co*parati!ely analy=ed chart bet5een the percentage of participants and the degree of!isual i*pair*ent that uses *obile screen readers pre!alently is presented here to understand the need of PDF / Wo rd reader for the!isually challenged people.