Revit Mac Torrent

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Autodesk Revit Crack is built especially for Building Information Modeling (BIM), the ability of qualified design and structure to bring ideas from theory to building with a coherent and coordinated model-based strategy. Autodesk Revit is a unique program that includes architectural design characteristics, MEP and structural engineering, and building.

This is often a hot topic on the Revit AUGI forums and it some times gets very heated! Whats better, Mac or PC? Well, I've been a long term Mac user as well as a Windows PC user. My first computer was a Macintosh LCII, if anybody can remember one of those? I've worked for companies which have used both platforms. I personally love the Mac environment, but I have learned to get on with PC's and the Windows platform. These days I don’t got too bothered about the platform wars, because to me its just an interface to your hardware, Revit as a BIM platform excites me more.

I meet a lot of architects and designers in my role and I have lost count how many have asked whether Revit runs on the Mac. A lot of architects still use Mac's, its just one of those design things. I live near Winchester, Hampshire,UK and this is a strong hold for architectural firms. I'd go as far as to say that over half of these are Mac users running Vectorworks. I'd love to see Autodesk port Revit to the Mac, but commercially I don’t think its viable, well that’s what Autodesk insiders have told me in the past.

However, the landscape has now changed and it all comes down to the fact that all current Apple hardware are based on Intel processors rather than the aging PowerPC. If anybody attended AU last year they will have noticed that Phil Read of Autodesk Consulting fame presented his Advanced Revit session on a Macbook Pro using Bootcamp, which allows him to boot between Mac OS X and Windows, so that he can run Revit on his Macbook. Also, a company called Parallels Inc introduced virtualization software last year which allows you to run Mac OS X and Windows side by side. What is interesting is that the latest version of Parrallels has DirectX and OpenGL support, even going as far as saying on their website that Revit Architecture 2008 has been tested and works.

I haven’t tried it myself, but I know a number of architects as well as Engineers who are working with Parrallels on a Mac and are more than happy with the performance. If you need to know more, its worth reading this article on Aecbytes from Scott Onstott as he has recently migrated from Windows to using Parrallels on a Mac Book Pro.

So in summary, Revit will work on a Mac!! With that in mind, I know my next laptop will be a Macbook Pro.:-). Robert - the imac spec you've highlighted will run Revit just fine. Although you need to watch Revit running on Parallels 4. Its not that it won't work, it will work well. I've purchased myself a new aluminium macbook and Parallels 4 and Revit run well. However, if you have a very large project you may want to consider bootcamp as you will want to max the resources of the machine.

I suppose it really depends on the size of your projects. I've set my macbook to run bootcamp and Parallels 4, this gives me the best of both worlds.

Full windows on the mac, or windows running on OS X.Not sure if that helps? But the machine spec you've highlighted will be fine. Well, thanks a lot. Tomorrow morning (Rio de Janeiro time) I shall purchase my iMac, and I will have to wait TWO DAYS!!!! Afterwards, I'll install Parallels 4 (I will download it as soon as I purchase the machine) and the Windows Vista Home Premium 32 bits. I will follow your advices, and I probably will have to use bootcamp, since my final designs are quite heavy - I specialize in shopping centers or such.

Anyway, I have a long learning curve, after so many years with pure Windows. Dear David, Thanks a lot for your answer.

You took a load off my back. Tomorrow at the earliest time the stores open I shall be at the door of one of the Mac dealers in Rio de Janeiro to purchase my iMac. Afterwards, I will buy a new Windows Vista Home Premium (maybe Business) licence and download the Parallels 4. And then I shall face a steep learning curve, since I worked for such a long time with pure Windows. I shall follow your advices.

The bad new is that I shall have to wait from 2 to 3 working days to get my new machine. Best regards, Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year! Dear David, I configured Parallels to read the BootCamp partition, in order not to have to install twice the same program(s). However, I am experiencing a quite difficult problem with the authorization codes for AutoCAD. If I am at BootCamp and type (or paste) the activation code, the AutoCAD read by the virtual machine won't work, and vice-versa. More, to my surprise, this morning, when I connected my computer neither AutoCAD's (BootCamp and Paralleles virtual machine) ran.